Credit: Starlite San Diego

Starlite Cocktails, Late Night Dining

There are only a handful of restaurants and lounges around San Diego that can be recommended to anyone and you know they will enjoy it. Starlite San Diego on India Street is slightly off the beaten path outside Little Italy, but it’s worth the venture.

Southwestern Community College (SWC), located in Chula Vista, has experienced rough times in the past. The college's governing board was affiliated with corruption leading up to the end of 2010. Since then, the Southwestern College board has been trying to move in the right direction.

(California) - Proposition 40 is a bizarrely unimportant proposition. The California electorate changed the process dramatically with Proposition 11 in 2008 and Proposition 20 in 2010. The goal was to mitigate the effects of gerrymandering.

Two Republican Candidates must compete for independent and democratic votesIn California, many Republican candidates running for State and Federal legislative district offices will face an opponent of the same party. Only two congressional districts (CD-8 and CD-31) that encompass portions of Southern California desert regions of Riverside and San Bernardino counties, and Death Valley will see a Republican face a Republican for a House seat.