
On September 21 of this year Apple Inc. premiered their latest technological marvel that we all have to have . The iPhone 5 released to mixed reviews, but no matter which side of the Apple Maps debate you find yourself, you have to admit the modern cell phone is incredible.

President Clinton and Scott PetersThere are 435 Congressional races in play this month, and of those, national Democrats have targeted twenty-five races which they believe a Democratic challenger will unseat the Republican incumbent. Here in San Diego, one of those races is ranked among the top 5 in the country and it will be decided by independent voters like you.


This election has featured some extremely tight races, even in states that traditionally lean one way or another. This unpredictability has led to rampant campaign spending by both the Republicans and the Democrats, and races in Arizona are no exception.

Prop 37 in the state of California will be on the ballot November 6th. The voter guide provides a description of the bill and what it means. There is a group for and against this referendum and their claims will be examined through the prism of the description offered in the California voter's guide.