"If enthusiasm would win elections, we'd win hands down."

You couldn't tell by Ron Paul's post-Florida primary speech that he came in last place with just 7% of the vote.  An explosive crowd in Henderson, NV ranted and raved as Paul talked about his prospects in caucus states like Iowa and Nevada.  Paul declared, "I called Mitt Romney to congratulate him."  Then, after he cordially calmed the wave of boos, he continued, "then I told him I'd see him in the caucus states."

Ron Paul Forums

Similarly posted on the Ron Paul forums, where Ron Paul supporters congregate.

The best politics definition is as follows: politics is the activities involved in running a governmental entity or state.

The politics definition may seem broad but this is because politics itself is broad. It is a huge subject matter. Even if someone spent their entire life reading and researching politics, they would still have gaps and misunderstanding.

Another presidential primary takes place today, this time in the independent-voter rich state of Florida.  According to a survey from the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press released Monday, the number of Republican and Republican-leaning registered voters unimpressed with their party’s presidential field has risen since early January. In less than a month’s time, those rating the field as “only fair or poor” went from 44% to 52%.