A California Supreme Court ruling today found than employers are under no obligation to ensure an employee takes meal breaks. The decision was found in Brinker Restaurant Corp. v. Superior Court of San Diego. Brinker International, Inc. owns and franchises restaurant chain brands including Chili's Bar & Grill and Maggiano's Little Italy.

Closed primaries disenfranchise independents. Open primaries give voters more control of the candidate selection process. That also increases the number of independent voters, forcing political parties to moderate their extreme positions.
via independentvoting.org

"Over the past decade, consumer electronics have become a cornerstone to American living. If you're like most Americans, you probably own a cell phone, computer and at least one television. But the question no one's asking is: where do all the gadgets come from?"




The task force report on the November 18th UC Davis pepper spray incident took some surprisingly strong swipes at the university’s chain of command, attacking decision-making and communications at the level of the police’s and the school’s leaders.