
Independent coverage of important political campaigns and elections throughout the United States; Congressional, Presidential, State, and Local. Find out how certain elections affect people from an independent-minded perspective.

ANCHORAGE, Alaska - The historic victory in Alaska for Ballot Measure 2 for Better Elections was re-confirmed by the state’s Division of Elections, state officials announced Monday, following a hand count of all the ballots. 

The Division of Elections completed its audit on December 10, which showed that the election was administered fairly and the results were correct in what ended up being a nail-bitter of a finish for Ballot Measure 2.

Voters are frustrated with the state of US politics. They want a fairer system that empowers them to elect representatives who will put their interests above those of private political parties and special interests. It is becoming much more apparent to citizens that long-term solutions to the nation’s biggest problems can’t be found until we fix how voters elect public officials.

Anyone familiar with the US political landscape or the world of business knows the name Charles Koch. He is chairman and CEO of Koch Industries, the second largest private company in the US, and he is one of the most influential donors to largely right-leaning candidates and causes.

The biggest overlooked story from this election is how reformers made history, once again.

From Virginia to California, voters sent a message that they want less hyper-partisanship, greater voter choice and better representation.

To celebrate our accomplishments and dive deep into how we move forward in the coming years, we’re hosting a two-day December Spotlight on Friday, December 11, and Saturday, December 12.

On Saturday, November 7, the presidential election was called for Joe Biden after media outlets projected he won the state of Pennsylvania and thus exceeded the 270 electoral votes he needed to win. But, Biden could not have won without independent voters.

All of the discussion on a blue wave or a red wave -- depending on which side you talk to -- few are talking about the reality of the 2020 election: It was an independent wave.