
Independent coverage of important political campaigns and elections throughout the United States; Congressional, Presidential, State, and Local. Find out how certain elections affect people from an independent-minded perspective.

SAN DIEGO, CALIF. - The most important story not being told by the mainstream press today is the many movements that have emerged to give voters an electoral system that is truly “of, by, and for” the people. It has not, however, been overlooked by some independent filmmakers.

It was quite an afternoon. While Washington DC police, accompanied by federal agents, were finally clearing the Capitol Building of renegade Trump protestors, 33-year-old former investigative journalist Jon Ossoff was declared the winner of the runoff election against incumbent David Perdue. Ossoff became the 50th Democrat in the US Senate, giving the Democrats nominal control of that chamber.

Author's Note: The following article is not an endorsement piece for Andrew Yang, but an observation of what his presence in the NYC mayoral race could mean for the future of nonpartisan political reform in the city.

Andrew Yang is about to drastically shake up the mayoral race in New York City, and it could be bad news for the Democratic establishment’s control over city elections.