Senator Rand Paul (KY), introduced a bill Wednesday to cut off all Washington foreign aid to Pakistan, Libya, and Egypt until certain conditions are met.
This November, Gary Johnson will appear on the ballot in forty-seven states as the Libertarian Party presidential nominee. Oklahoma will not be among those states. Last week, the Oklahoma Supreme Court denied Gary Johnson ballot access under the Americans Elect Party.
Chris Wallace, host of Fox News Sunday, visited the University of Maryland as a guest lecturer for the Gildenhorn Institute for Israel Studies Thursday. He spoke on a number of issues, including the mainstream media, elections, the Middle East, and presidential candidates.
Women's Rights Continues to be a Wedge Issue
The figures on the government campaign known as the War on Drugs indicate that the prohibition efforts have been a failure. The government has spent over $1 trillion to prevent illegal drug use and distribution, but the statistics show that ten percent of the American population use an illegal substance of some kind and use among minors is up from a decade ago.
On Wednesday evening at the University of San Diego the two candidates in the San Diego Mayoral race focused on the quality of life of the San Diegans.
Researchers at UC Berkeley are testing a new method for tracking how people use social media in politics. Their first project plans to map Proposition 30 social media references onto graphs. They also have an innovative new discussion area they call an opinion space.
Californians can now register to vote online without leaving home, knowing that they will be able to participate in the November election.