On May 6, the Marketplace Fairness Act, commonly referred to as the Internet sales tax bill, passed the Senate. If passed through Congress, the bill would force retailers to collect taxes for online purchases, even if the buyer lives out-of-state.

States lose $23 billion a year in uncollected sales tax, the National Governors Association estimates, a gap the Internet sales tax bill hopes to close.

A liberal friend of mine told me last night he was disturbed by the Benghazi coverup but not as much by the IRS fiasco. He certainly believed it was bad, and the "explanation" it was low-level people didn't wash with him (funny how the guys who always profess to be for the "little guy" are the first to throw them under the bus). So when I asked him why it didn't bother him that much, he said it was because all Administrations do it- targeting the enemy comes with winning the election. True and cynical. BUT