Massively open online courses, or MOOCs, are typically dependent on outside investors to cover expenses. While MOOCs expand the education opportunities for hundreds of thousands world-wide, building a sustainable funding model has yet to be perfected.

Leading open online courses are run through highly esteemed universities like Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard, which can provide high quality information; but ultimately these services will need to be sustainably funded in order to operate long term.

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Leaders from across the Department of Defense and Veteran's Administration came together last week at the Military Health System Research Symposium to discuss the state of mental health care for military members and veterans. The discussion turned to the National Research Action Plan (NRAP), the product of an executive order signed by President Obama last year mandating improved mental health care for service members, their families, and veterans.


Today, the Internet isn't accessible for two-thirds of the world. Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg is asking us to "imagine a world where it connects us all," with the launch of a global partnership to increase Internet accessibility worldwide.