“If something cannot go on forever, it must stop.”

In economics, this is known as Herb Stein’s law. We ignore it at our peril.

In the 2000s, economists and other observers pointed out that real estate prices could not continue to rise at such a blistering pace. They didn’t. The entire global financial system was put at risk when that unsustainable trend came to a screeching halt.

Americans are angry about the apathetic approach to our online data security by our state and federal governments, as well as tech giants. Repeatedly our data is compromised. The thieves are sometimes hackers, hell-bent on creating false identities or worse, and sometimes the culprits are big businesses making a buck off the personal preferences we offer up for free.

Several Arizona teachers are set to walkout of their classrooms Thursday in protest of low teacher salaries and in-classroom spending that put Arizona below nearly every state. School districts are even closing hundreds of schools in anticipation of how many teachers will participate.

It's a topic that has educators, voters, and some candidates riled up as Republican and Democratic policymakers fail to do anything about it.

We are facing a terrifying fact, lying has become an industry.

And it as been proven that information manipulation can, and does. create reality. We have to ask ourselves; are we, in fact, learning to live with lies?

The recent Facebook scandal has shown that gathering information about people and then using that information to create an alternate truth is a marketable, and profitable, business.