California's gay chickens were shocked with mix emotionslast Tuesday in California. Early in thenight, gay chickens all over the state were ecstatic as the results came inover Proposition2, which would require that California's farmers allow chickens the rightto a comfortable living space.

Last Tuesday, California'svoters passed a constitutional amendment stripping the ability of gay personsto enter into a marriage contract. The final ballots have been tallied, but theheated debate over gay marriage is far from over. There is an important underlying issuerelated to this proposition, and it concerns the right for two persons to enterinto a voluntary contract. This is an argument California courts will have to face withregard to Proposition 8's constitutional implications.

In Monty Python's "Monty Python and theHoly Grail", a group of angry peasants drags a young woman into thetown square and demands that she be burned at the stake because she is a witch.When the local authority questions their rationale, the villagers reply thatthey know their victim is a witch because "she looks like one." It islater revealed that the costume and disgustingly long nose that the"witch" apparently possesses were placed on her by the villa

In a debate over Britain's membershipin the then-emergent European Union, Margaret Thatcher accused Labor LeaderNeil Kinnock of being a toady for the European interests, and playing alongwith their demands "for the purpose of being little SirEcho and saying 'me too!'"

Governor Schwarzenegger's proposed sales tax hike isn't what meets the eye, says JosephHenchman of the Tax Foundation. The governor says that the state tax rate iscurrently 5 percent, but this isn't entirely true.

To be forthright, I was not an Obama, nor a McCain supporter. I'm what you call that voter who doesn't matter; an independent that votes for the candidate that most closely aligns with his political views, regardless of their odds of winning.