It is no secret by thispoint that California faces a truly nightmarish situation fiscally, notto mention political roadblocks of gargantuan proportions. However,there is also a substantial problem circulating that nobody wants toaddress - namely, California's divisive concessions to environmentallobbying.

California felt about a 20 percent drop in exports through the month of February, which means that only a little over three-quarters of the amount of goods typically exported from California, were actually exported during the month of February.

This isn't great news for the Golden State, which has also recently found itself in a more than $40 billion mess of a budget situation, using what can only be affectionately referred to as half-baked schemes, to get out of it.

SAN FRANCISCO -- In an announcement thatshocked few in the Golden State political world, San Francisco MayorGavin Newsom announced that he will run for governor in 2010 onTuesday morning.

Newsom ended an extended period of explorationfor the office after conducting a series of town hall meetings acrossthe state. Newsom made his announcement nearlysimultaneously via YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.

California State Senator Tony Strickland introduced a range of ideas on energy this month in Carpinteria, just outside Santa Barbara.

Strickland has stated his intention to work across party lines "to transition California to a renewable, more energy efficient economy to jumpstart the economy, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, improve the environment, and lower energy prices."

Supporters of California's high speed railefforts found a friend Thursday in President Barack Obama who announcedthat $8 billion of the $787 billion federal stimulus package will bedirected toward developing high speed rail systems across the country.

Obama,flanked by Vice President Joe Biden and Transportation Secretary RayLaHood, said the country cannot afford not to invest in a major upgradeto rail travel. He said he understands it necessarily will be "along-term project" but said the time to start is now.

A whopping 37 percent of Californians, or 12.1 million people, were uninsured for at least one month during 2007 and 2008, according to U.S. Census Data. Most were uninsured for at least six months, and 80 percent were in working families. Scary? Yes, but if Assembly Bill 23 passes, the numbers lacking the safety net they need will be far less daunting.

Anytime something happens on April Fool's, one must be suspicious: Was it a prank? An excellently-timed joke, planned just in time for that most merrymaking of days?

In the case of California's sales tax, it was no joke. On Wednesday, April 1, the California state sales tax officially went up one percent, to a nice, round six percent. And for certain counties with already-high sales tax rates, this bumps it up to closer to nine percent.