California is known forleading the nation in many ventures, trends and movements, and 2009is no different. In areas all across California, local and stategovernments are supporting "greening" measures to helpthe environment and raise accountability. Going hand-in-hand with theloftier goal of cleaning house, proverbially, comes lucrativespending contracts to update infrastructure. In Los Angeles alone,SCE and the LADWP are working with Mayor Villaraigosa, to get on thetrack to a goal of 20 percent renewable energy use in LA within only ahandful of years.

Last week a federal judge ruled in support ofCalifornia campaign finance disclosure laws that requires making publicthe names of political donors contributing more than $100 to a campaignor candidate.

U.S.District Judge Morrison C. England Jr. ruled against the Yes on8/ lawsuit which sought to have the names of donorsto the winning Nov. 4 ballot proposition which banned gay marriage inCalifornia kept secret.

England's ruling on Thursday was the right call on a number of levels.

For Californians who feel they are part of anAlice-in-Wonderland budget process, check out what's going on in theneighboring state of Nevada. Governor Jim Gibbons recently announcedsome draconian solutions to the state's $1.5 billion budget shortfall.

Theone most shocking is a 40+ percent cut to the university systembudget. Imagine the reaction here in California to a cut of nearlyhalf the spending for higher education.

GovernorSchwarzenegger had the nerve to suggest that legislators take a paycut as a symbolic gesture and to save the state some money. As heput it in his State of the State address on January 15, “if youcall a taxi and the taxi doesn't show up, you don't have to pay thedriver.”

In other words, thecitizens of California should not have to pay our legislators forfailing to do their job.

Nothingshort of a massive dose of retroactive common sense -- not to mention ashot of banking industry regulation -- could have stopped theforeclosure crisis that's been the nuclear reactor in California'sbudget meltdown. Nothing short of a sprinkling of pixie dust that woulderase the state's onerous two-thirds approval requirement for budgets will loosen the current legislative long-jam.