A group of teenagers in Lowell, Massachusetts says yes. As their schools lose funding and programs face budget cuts, this group of teens is pushing for a bill to be passed to allow young voters to get a head start in the political process by voting in municipal elections starting at the age of 17.
Maybe they're onto something, argues Peter Levine, the director of the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement at Tufts University.
It is a common misconception that the 'American Independent' party designation represents true political independence. It doesn't. In fact, many voters may carry this designation without knowing either the history of the party or its political ideology. Do you?
As a constitutional republic, the US system of government is designed on the principles of federalism. In our federalist system the federal government is one of enumerated powers and those powers not explicitly granted to the federal government are reserved to the states. The framers of the Constitution established this system through the Tenth Amendment, which reads: