Toppling The Duopoly

Tired of a rigged political system? IVN Editor Shawn Griffiths follows the historic movement to give power to all voters, including at the ballot box and in the court room, including exclusive interviews with election reform leaders across the nation.

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Toppling The Duopoly Podcast

Latino voters in Texas have the numbers to shift the political paradigm in their state. However, turnout among Latinos continues to lag. There are misconceptions and social stigmas about why this is, but the truth lies in deep systemic issues and a history of disempowerment that has left many feeling voiceless and unrepresented.

Former Gehl Foods CEO and founder of the Institute for Political Innovation, Katherine Gehl, has 4 myths about US politics to bust. Think the system is broken, as in not working the way it was intended? Think you only have two options? Think politicians are the problem? In a series of videos, Gehl breaks down common misconceptions and misunderstandings about the way our political industry works.

The way the US political system operates is tearing the country apart. Voters are forced to choose between two deeply polarizing narratives, and the further the two sides move apart, the more damage is being done to the country at-large.

The problem of polarization in the US is not just affecting the nation’s politics. It also affects its social structure and economy, and businesses are now finding themselves caught in the middle of the political crossfire.