Today in the Polls

Healthcare: The latest Rasmussen Reports finds that 52% of likely U.S. voters would like to see the Supreme court overturn Obama's health care law, while 38% disagree and would like to see the high court uphold the law's legality.

Presidential: Rasmussen's daily presidential tracking poll for today puts Romney ahead of Obama by 4 points, with Mitt Romney attracting 48% of the likely vote, versus Obama's 44% of likely support. Romney's leap in the polls now places the two candidates within one percentage point of each other, according to the adjusted Real Clear Politics averages.

Immigration: A Gallup report released Monday shows that Americans are much more positive about immigration now than in recent years.  Currently, 66% say immigration is a "good thing" for the U.S. today, up from 59% last year and one percentage point off the high of 67% in 2006.

Economy: Gallup released a report today, finding that the Gallup Economic Confidence Index fell to -24 for the week ending June 17. This the third week in a row Gallup has recorded declines in confidence, and while Gallup often reports one or two week declines, this is the first time they have recorded a three week decline since last summer.

What are you watching in the polls? 
