Open Primary Q&A with Jeff Miller

The following Q&A is with Republican Assemblyman Jeff Miller, candidate for California State Senate District 31.

Are you personally in favor of the new open primary system?

Miller: This is the first year when California elections will be held under the new Open Primary law. The new law gives independent voters a strong voice in primaries for the first time.  The votes cast on June 5 will determine who will be on the ballot in November. I encourage all independent voters to take advantage of this opportunity and participate in the Open Primary.

In your opinion, what are the top issues for this election cycle in California?

Miller: Job creation and balancing the state’s books are the top issues. California needs to encourage business growth and expansion by reducing regulations, fees and red-tape that drive jobs to other states.  In Sacramento, the Legislature and Government need to stop dreaming of tax increases. The way to balance the state’s books is to get our economy moving again and to get serious about spending reductions to balance the budget.

How does your message appeal to Californians who identify as "No Party Preference" or are undecided?

Miller: I am a small business owner who seeks to apply common sense business principles to how government operates. I believe that will appeal to independent voters.

How are you adjusting your campaign outreach and messaging to reflect the wider demographic of voters you now have to appeal to in the primary?

Miller: I have an extensive outreach program in place to get my message to independent voters.


Editor’s Note: The Independent Voter Network has reached out to various campaigns with the preceding set of questions on open primaries and California independent voters. All candidates interested in speaking out on these questions are encouraged to forward responses to IVN respects all viewpoints and candidates, and we look forward to featuring all responses.

