Open Primary Q&A with SD-27 Candidate Todd Zink


The following Q&A is with Republican Todd Zink, candidate for California State Senate District 27.

Are you personally in favor of the new open primary system?

Zink: Yes

In your opinion, what are the top issues for this election cycle in California?

Zink: Job creation, improve our economy through improving the business climate, strengthen education and ensure our public safety.

How does your message appeal to Californians who identify as "No Party Preference" or are undecided?

Zink: All of my top issues are nonpartisan issues that effect every single person living in California.

Currently the state is failing at all of them.

The state has the highest taxes in the nation and little to show for it.

How are you adjusting your campaign outreach and messaging to reflect the wider demographic of voters you now have to appeal to in the primary?

Zink: I strongly believe that my emphasis on focusing on the basics of good governance by taking care of these nonpartisan priorities appeals to all demographics of voters.
Editor’s Note: The Independent Voter Network has reached out to various campaigns with the preceding set of questions on open primaries and California independent voters. All candidates interested in speaking out on these questions are encouraged to forward responses to IVN respects all viewpoints and candidates, and we look forward to featuring all responses.