Schwarzenegger Issues Statement on California's Unemployment Rate

Califonia is facing not only a budget crisis, but a one of the highest jobless rates in the nation. Today, the Governor issued the following statement:

"Our economy continues to be difficult,especially for people who have lost their jobs or who have begunlooking for one. As our state unemployment rate rises, myadministration continues to work hard to generate jobs and helpre-train people who have lost jobs in our hard-hit industries.

"I have urged the Legislature to pass an economic stimulus packagethat includes workplace reforms to help keep jobs in California andways to speed up the release of billions of in-the-pipelineinfrastructure and construction dollars into our economy; and ourincreased unemployment rate underscores the need for that package to bepassed in the Legislature immediately.

"This week, through my Labor and Workforce Development Agency, Ihave taken action to pump out $33 million in job training fundsdirected toward regions of the state hit hardest by our economicdownturn and to our military veterans. These grants will provideeducation, training, and job placement assistance for thousands ofCalifornians.

"I also want to reiterate the need to shore up our state'sUnemployment Insurance Fund. We've known for years that changes must bemade to the Fund to keep it solvent, and it is unfortunate that now,when we need it most, it is racing toward the red. I have proposed aplan to ensure this important Fund continues to be a safety net forunemployed Californians and for our economy, and I urge the Legislatureto pass it.

"I am pleased that, today, President Bush signed an extension ofunemployment benefits that my administration had pushed so hard for, sothat Californians out of work can continue to receive their benefitsthrough the holiday season."
