Good Party: A Free Resource to Help Independents Take on the Two-Party Duopoly

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In his most recent podcast, former presidential candidate and Forward Party Co-Founder Andrew Yang sat down with Farhad Mohit, the founder of Good Party, a suite of tools offered to independent candidates attempting to overcome the two-party duopoly.

The major parties have their own network infrastructure and software they can use in elections -- but for a long time, independent candidates have lacked the same resources to bolster their campaign's presence.

The Good Party exists to give independent candidates this support.

Mohit founded Good Party because he believed technology could be used to "level the playing field and allow ordinary people -- anyone -- who needs to raise their hand to be able to run and win and serve as a representative of others."

The answer Mohit has determined will help accomplish this is to offer independents a set of tools, which Mohit calls "AI-based campaign management," that will help candidates with everything from developing a marketing and press strategy to utilizing voter data. 

And Good Party offers this suite of tools for free.

Learn more about Mohit, Good Party, and the main problems they are trying to solve by checking out the full conversation between Yang and Mohit above. 

Good Party