Election 2020

The latest news on the 2020 Election with an independent perspective.

This is an independent opinion. Have one of your own? Write it! Email it to hoa@ivn.us

Whenever I speak with someone new, I always begin with gushing about the one city that will forever own a piece of my heart—San Diego.

It’s where I went to college. It’s where I was married. It’s where I raised my right hand—pledged an oath to support and defend the constitution—and joined the military after 9/11.

This is independent opinion. Have one of your own? Email it to hoa@ivn.us

San Diego is at a crossroads on climate change. With heat storms and wildfires showcasing our world to come, we must carefully plan how to adapt and implement our city’s landmark Climate Action Plan, while still providing opportunities for our children and grandchildren to live and work in our community. This requires thoughtful consideration for safety, sustainability, and equity in how we plan for a San Diego that is resilient to the climate crisis.