Election 2020

The latest news on the 2020 Election with an independent perspective.

Jitters, anxiety and hope. Those are some of the feelings going through San Diego voters as Election Day comes. Watch the video to hear directly from the voters and hear more from the same people at 6 p.m. Wednesday on Mightier 1090am. They'll tell us how they feel after Election Day as results roll in.

This is an independent opinion. Have one of your own? Email it to hoa@ivn.us

Reality is chronic diseases, illnesses and conditions impact each and every one of us. The harsh, but unfortunate truth is not if, but when you or someone you love will be impacted by that fate. For my family, that day became a reality when our newborn daughter was diagnosed with a fatal immunodeficiency disease that would only give her a couple of years to live. 

California is either about to right decades of inequality between rich and poor defendants by eliminating cash bail, or it’s about to turn over its justice system to robots.

The question of what to do about the system that decides whether people should be free while awaiting trial will be determined by Proposition 25. The stakes, as explained by each side, are either ending an unjust system or relinquishing judicial authority to a pretrial assessment tool run on an algorithm.