In this TPR interview, Hilary Norton, newly appointed chair of the California Transportation Commission, reflects on the ‘phenomenal sea change’ driving state investments in transportation infrastructure and in advance of the 2020 national election. Citing Governor Newsom’s “all of the above” approach, Norton shares her priorities for the CTC and enthusiasm for creative projects that maximize benefits—and generate revenues—to support a more active and equitable vision for transportation in California.

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Whenever I speak with someone new, I always begin with gushing about the one city that will forever own a piece of my heart—San Diego.

It’s where I went to college. It’s where I was married. It’s where I raised my right hand—pledged an oath to support and defend the constitution—and joined the military after 9/11.

This story was updated at 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 10.

Apps and software platforms are built based on profit motives. Anybody with a technology budget — a bank, retailer, or even a home-services provider (like a plumber or an electrician) — can buy industry-specific software to manage their business affairs. 

Capitalism rules. However, software platforms do exist that can e-manage homelessness.