Habeas corpus: Gone. FISA courts: here to stay. NDAA: still truckin’. Patriot Act: renewed. Let’s not forget to take your belt off at the airport either.

We talk about the economic cost of perpetual war, but what about the threat to our freedoms? In 2000, George W. Bush ran on a humble foreign policy. He argued we should not be the policeman of the world and that our liberties here at home were more important than nation building abroad. Then 9/11 happened and everyone forgot.

Habeas corpus: Gone. FISA courts: here to stay. NDAA: still truckin’. Patriot Act: renewed. Let’s not forget to take your belt off at the airport either.

We talk about the economic cost of perpetual war, but what about the threat to our freedoms? In 2000, George W. Bush ran on a humble foreign policy. He argued we should not be the policeman of the world and that our liberties here at home were more important than nation building abroad. Then 9/11 happened and everyone forgot.

Credit: http://blog.discoveryeducation.com/

With climate change leading to the acceleration of the melting of the ice cap, issues surrounding the Arctic are becoming increasingly important. The future of the Arctic will require a delicate balance between the development and exploitation of the region and its conservation.

Credit: http://blog.discoveryeducation.com/

With climate change leading to the acceleration of the melting of the ice cap, issues surrounding the Arctic are becoming increasingly important. The future of the Arctic will require a delicate balance between the development and exploitation of the region and its conservation.

The President offerred little new news in his press conference remarks on the fiscal cliff this afternoon at the White House, although he tried to assure the press the internal debate was hopeful about reaching a deal. He note Americans shouldn't hold their breath, for Congress will use ever last second they have before the deadline to reach an agreement.

Routinely used by over 1 billion people in the world, Facebook has accumulated the most extensive set of data on human tendencies in the world. What's more, because Facebook is a "free" service, it has accumulated this information with little to no resistance from users and lawmakers worldwide. Now, a partnership between Facebook and Datalogix makes such information harvesting all the more alarming to privacy advocates.

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Plagued with polarization, our government has ceaselessly failed to compromise on legislation imperative to the advancement of our economy, foreign policy, and citizen rights.

The 112th Congress made history this year as the least productive Congress, passing fewer laws than the infamously dubbed "Do-Nothing Congress" of 1947.