Last week, both Illinois and Hawaii passed same-sex marriage making them the 15th and 16th states to do so. Overall, 2013 has been quite a year for the LGBT community. These last two states just seem to put the icing on the proverbial cake.

It all comes on the heals of the 2012 election where voters in three states (Maine, Maryland, and Washington) approved same-sex marriage and rejected a ban on it in the state of Minnesota.

So, what has transpired during the year?


Independent voters like to do their thinking outside the narrow confines of false dichotomies and established paradigms. They don’t like their choices made for them, they’re weary of a debate that never seems to go anywhere, and they’re bored of the made-for-television drama that partisan politics has become.

But if you’re an Independent voter, you can declare your independence in other areas too.

Independent voters can also be:

Using Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp – or “Gitmo” – for the imprisonment of terror suspects has been disputed for years. The American government, the international press, human rights advocates, and others have held divergent viewpoints, giving military historians and criminal justice students a discussion topic for decades to come.