Columnist Byron Williams has made a provocative claim that is sure to challenge California voters.  Instead of incessantly blaming the Governor and legislature for the state's current predicament, perhaps voters should take a long, hard look in the mirror.  While state government has failed the people in numerous ways, the people have elected these politicians, and the people have voted for several propositions, often contradicting each other at times, that generate massive deficits.

Former San Francisco Mayor and Speaker of the House has some harsh words to say about the need to reform our civil service:

"The system was set up so politicians like me couldn't come in and fire the people (relatives) hired by the guy they beat and replace them with their own friends and relatives. 

Over the years, however, the civil service system has changed from one that protects jobs to one that runs the show."

Cybersitter, a California software company, is suing the Chinese government and two Chinese tech firms over stolen computer code. Cybersitter is alleging that China pirated its software program, called Green Dam Youth Escort, and attempted to install it on over 53 million computers.  Green Dam is utilized to block pornographic and violent websites, but computer experts fear that China tailored it to the monitoring of sensitive, political and religious speech.

According to the latest economic forecast, California has exited the worst of the Great Recession, but faces another two years of a long, slow, and painful recovery.

When Arnold Schwarzenegger became Governor of California in 2003, the first thing he should have done was get Gary Johnson on the phone. You see, Gary Johnson was elected Governor of New Mexico for two terms during the 1990s. Like California it was a Democrat-leaning, Western state with serious budget issues. Over the eight years of his remarkable tenure, Gary Johnson managed to tackle a lot of the same problems California faced in 2003 and still faces today.

We've all heard of the military-industrial complex.  Republican President, Dwight D. Eisenhower, specifically warned of the potentially dire consequences of an unhealthy alliance between the US Government and the defense industry.

An open carry revolution is underway in the United States, and Californians are participating in the act of exercising their constitutional rights. In fact, the second amendment of the Bill of Rights states: “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

With only one year left in office, Governor Schwarzenegger has set an ambitious agenda to salvage what many believe to be a disappointing tenure.  The Governor aims to work with the Legislature and reform-minded organizations to achieve the following goals:

1.  Balance a budget that is $21 billion in the hole, mainly through spending cuts in strategic areas