Today, Justice Roberts joined Justices Ginsberg, Sotomayor, Breyer, and Kagan in upholding the Affordable Care Act and individual mandate for health care reform as constitutional. In his opinion, he essentially ruled that while Congress cannot force you to buy health insurance, they can tax you if you don't, making the individual mandate constitutional under Congress' taxing authority.

From the SCOTUSblog:


President Obama's remarks have now concluded. Stay with IVN throughout the day as we bring you independent analysis of the next steps for Democrats, Republicans, presidential candidates, the Obama Administration and the public.



h/t Global Post


Approximately 4.5 seconds after the Supreme Court released their decision on the Affordable Care Act, CNN ran with breaking news that the individual mandate had been struck down.

How is it possible to read a decision at the speed of light?


SCOTUSblog is covering the Supreme Court's health care decision announcements live today.

Using Cover It Live, they will answer questions until the announcement, with coverage and analysis to follow. They're expecting 250,000 readers to tune in.

Following the executive-level meeting held in New York on Tuesday, Rupert Murdoch's media heavyweight News Corporation announced today it will split in two.

The new companies will house News Corp's publishing business, with over 170 print newspapers, separate from entertainment media-focused holdings, which include broadcast and cable networks.

In a statement to employees today, Murdoch wrote:


Today at 10am Eastern time, the Supreme Court is expected to release their ruling on health care reform. In what has been a closely watched and debated legal battle, the Court will answer a handful of questions that has nearly every political observer holding their breath: