In honor of the National Governors' Association meeting taking place through Sunday, the question, "Who is your favorite current governor, and why?", was posed to the office this week. Here are a few of our responses.
Chad Peace:
In honor of the National Governors' Association meeting taking place through Sunday, the question, "Who is your favorite current governor, and why?", was posed to the office this week. Here are a few of our responses.
Chad Peace:
At the end of May the team at Independent Voters of America announced the launch of the most inclusive ongoing study of independent voters’ opinions with our iVoter Project.
Last week, Mitt Romney's wealth and his record at Bain Capital became a major talking point for Democrats and the Obama campaign, after charges and countercharges brought into question the length of his involvement with the business. With the recen
Local Cincinnati news anchor, Ben Swann takes a look at why Independents in swing states are turning away from Mitt Romney in favor of President Obama. He ultimately concludes that the GOP's problem is that it keeps packaging Romney as "Not Obama," but to attract Independent voters, candidates have to offer something of substance, a constructive alternative. It can't all just be about what they're not. This is a great watch:
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Drug addiction in mothers is leading to a sharp and alarming rise in babies born addicted to drugs in the US. The addictions are almost always to powerful opiates like Oxycontin and Vicodin, which are legal, similar to heroin, and sometimes sneeringly referred to as “hillbilly heroin.” But the drug addiction is happening everywhere in the country, not just in rural south, even if the epidemic is worse there.
Today's News Tips for your lunch break. Your Independent Breakdown of Today's News.
POLITICO – Lance Armstrong Getting Help from Capitol Hill
The 7-time Tour de France champion has passed over 500 drug tests and could “be in the unenviable position of carrying the burden to rebut testimony from witnesses he cannot even cross examine.” – Rep. Sensenbrenner