This coming Wednesday is United Nations’ Day, celebrating the en treatment of the UN Charter on October 24, 1945. The UN Day has been celebrated since 1948 all around the world.
The San Diego UN Chapter will be hosting a special event tonight to celebrate the UN anniversary. As this year’s theme is Solutions for a Prosperous world, the San Diego UN Chapter will honor “Nothing but Nets," a grassroots campaign sponsored by the UN Foundation to raise awareness and funding to fight Malaria in Africa.
Malaria is a disease transmitted by mosquitoes which causes 200 millions illnesses a year, as well as 600,000 deaths, mostly in children under five. This event will be a perfect opportunity to learn more on the UN actions to fight it as Chris Helfrich, director of the “Nothing but Nets” campaign has been invited to explain how his organization has been fighting this scourge by providing nets all over Africa. Indeed, nets with long lasting insecticide provided by the organization for a $10 donation can protect a family for three or four years and have helped to reduce malaria transmission up to ninety percent.
The event will be hosted at six tonight by the Asmara, an Eritrean and Ethiopian Restaurant located at 4155 University Ave, and will include an East African buffet, music, a silent auction and a great networking opportunity. The tickets are $40, $25 if you are a student, and can be purchased here.