Your Independent News Tips of the day.
Politico – Jamie Dimon Fields Softballs
Observers were expecting the JPMorgan Chase CEO to be grilled in the Senate Banking Committee hearing on Wednesday regarding his firm’s $2B loss from a riskiy hedge. Instead he was treated as a friend amongst friends. Several members of the committee receive large donations from the firm.
Bloomberg – Graph Shows Greek’s Public Policy Coordination [Chart]
The chart shows the administrative nightmare that a direction must go through to be implemented. Follow the lines to see if you can figure out how decisions are put into practice.
The Daily Beast – Taking a look into Priorities USA Super PAC [Video]
The Obama super PAC has been out fundraised 4-to-1 by Romney’s. The video highlights a nuance of super PACs and how donors can remain anonymous.
Slate – Germany Credit Agency to Use Social Media to Determine Creditworthiness
The largest credit agency in Germany will begin mining data from social media accounts to determine the creditworthiness of applicants.
BBC – Egypt’s High Court Dissolves Parliament
In a ruling today the Egyptian high court dissolved the lower house of parliament after it found that the latest election of 1/3 of its members was unconstitutional. The election law that allowed for the parliamentary vote to take place was opposed to the Egyptian constitution.
Roll Call – AG Holder Makes Offer on Some Fast and Furious Documents
The documents at issue relate to the follow up of a letter sent to Senator Chuck Grassley that denied the tactics used in the Fast and Furious program. Rep. Issa is investigating whether the DOJ knew that the tactics had been used and when they knew the letter was false.
The Atlantic – Photos from Syria’s Civil War
A collection of photographs from the ongoing civil war in Syria.
Salon – How the 1% Brainwashed Americans into Income Inequality
The American people severely underestimate the level of inequality, the power of government to do anything about it, and its adverse economic impacts. Joseph Stiglitz breaks down why.
Time – Allen Stanford Sentenced to 110 Years
The mastermind behind a ponzi scheme that bilked investors out of over $7B in 20 years was handed down a 110-year sentence. Prosecutors of the one-time billionaire asked the judge for a maximum sentence of 230 years.