Gay Marriage Group Begins Statewide Ad Campaign

Althougha decision on the legality of Prop. 8 by the California Supreme Courtis due any day now, leaders of Equality Califoria (EQCA) said Thursdaythey are moving ahead with a new TV and grassroots-led campaign to makegay marriage legal in the Golden State.

Asa first step in the effort, EQCA officials said they have made astatewide TV ad buy to broadcast pro gay marriage commercials.Simultaneously they will launching a 100-day-long grassroots groundcampaign that will be dubbed "Win Marriage Back: Make it Real!" The twocommercials, which will begin airing Monday, can be viewed here .

"Whilewe remain hopeful that the court could invalidate Prop. 8, we cannotwait another day to take action. We are launching the most extensivecampaign of its kind to talk openly and honestly with Californians ontheir front porches, online and over the airwaves in order to achievefull equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communitymembers," stated EQCA Marriage Director Marc Solomon, adding the goalof the campaign is to eventually reach 300,000 Californians in personand "millions more" online or over the TV airwaves.

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom -- the political ambassador of the gay marriage movement and a candidate for governor in 2010 -- approved of the plan.

"Thisis exactly the kind of person-to-person, peer-to-peer outreach we needto be doing to change minds and win support for the freedom to marryfor same-sex couples," Newsom said in a statement.

EQCAis a plaintiff in the current legal challenge against Prop. 8. Thecourt is scheduled to issue its ruling between now and June 3.

Andrea Shorter, EQCA's coalition coordinator, said the new campaignwill focus much of its attention on developing support from theAfrican-American, Hispanic and religious communities. Following lastfall's successful passage of Prop. 8, EQCA's handling of outreach inthose communities was roundly faulted by political professionals andpundits alike.

"Thiscampaign is for every person in every community in every part of ourstate, and it will empower our diverse community and allies to winmarriage back together," said Shorter in a statement. "We will alsoenlist 1,000 clergy in the next 100 days to help spread the word thatmarriage equality is a spiritual value as well as a civil right."

EQCA officials say they are currently hiring and placing 25 full-timefield organizers throughout the state, including the Central Valley,the Inland Empire, San Diego, Sacramento, Los Angeles and OrangeCounties. Six organizers have already been hired, they noted.

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