What Garamendi's Absence Means for Gubernatorial Race

Lt. Gov. John Garamendi, an early candidate forgovernor in 2010, recently announced that he will drop efforts to become theGolden State's next chief executive and instead run to replace U.S.Rep. Ellen Tauscher in the 10th Congressional District.

Garamendi, ala Gavin Newsom, made the announcement via Twitter, Facebook and
YouTube and during in-person stops in Concord and Fairfield.

"Iam proud today to announce that if current Rep. Ellen Tauscher isconfirmed by the U.S. Senate to serve in the Obama administration, Iexpect to run for the 10th Congressional District, a district thatincludes parts of Contra Costa, Solano, Alameda, and Sacramentocounties. I am excited by this unexpected potential opportunity in myown backyard, and with your support, I will return to Washington tohelp shape a better future for California, our country and a veryspecial Congressional District," the 64-year-old Garamendi said. "Iam ready to lend a progressive and pragmatic voice to find solutions ondebates ranging from renewable energy to green collar jobs to universal'Medicare for All' health care to water policy to equality for all tomarket oversight to mass transit to the importance of fully fundingeducation. As I learned during my time in the Peace Corps, developingsolutions first requires being able to ask the right questions."

Aperennial candidate for governor, Garamendi has long been considered bypolitical observers to be a competent, dedicated Democratic footsoldier with a long history of public service. In addition to hisservice lieutenant governor, Garamendi is a former Deputy Secretary ofthe Interior, a two-term California Insurance Commissioner, a formerstate legislator and a University of California regent and CaliforniaState University trustee. He also chairs both the State LandsCommission and the Commission for Economic Development

Tauscher(D-Walnut Creek) is expected to be appointed Undersecretary of Statefor Arms Control and International Security in the ObamaAdministration. Tauscher must still face Senate confirmation for thepost, but once that is done a special election in the district will becalled.

Should Tauscher be confirmed andshould Garamendi win the seat, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger would then bein the position of appointing a new lieutenant governor. Thatappointment is likely to become a key political bargaining chip whenthe governor and key Democratic leaders resume budget and policy talkslater this spring.

Already in the race to replace the congresswoman is Democratic state Sen. MarkDeSaulnier who has secured the endorsements of key employee unions inContra Costa County, Tauscher and U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-Martinez).First-year Assemblywoman Joan Buchanan, D-Alamo, is also thought to beconsidering a run for Tauscher's seat.

Garmendi'smove slightly tightens the race for the Democraticgubernatorial primary. San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, who formallyannounced his bid Tuesday, will likely be joined by Attorney GeneralJerry Brown, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and possibly U.S.Senator Dianne Feinstein in the battle to replace the termed-outSchwarzenegger in 2010. Republicans going for thepost include so far former eBay CEO Meg Whitman, former Congressman TomCampbell and Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner.

Follow Jeff Mitchell at his political blog at www.bapolitix.org
