High Speed Rail Is Almost Within Our Collective Grasp

WhileCalifornia and the rest of the nation continue to ride out the worsteconomic storm since the Great Depression, both President Barack Obamaand Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger know one thing -- getting Golden Stateresidents back on their feet and on the job is critical to turningthings around.

Herein the California, rebuilding our aging infrastructure has to be JobOne.

After years of delayed and cancelled maintenance, our roads,bridges and sewers are falling apart around us and arestarting to become threats to public safety. Ironically,the very job of rebuilding our infrastructure may end up being the keyto reviving our state's large and complex economy. Thankfully,the president and the governor are aware that we need to go way beyondjust fixing up what's broken out there. We need to take on thoseprojects that will transform our culture and economy well into the 21stCentury.

One such "transformative" project will be the creation of a high speed rail system in California. Itwas gratifying last November to see Californians come together tosupport Prop. 1A, which gave permission to sell some $9 billion inbonds to help pay for the project's initial San Francisco to LosAngeles phase. Slated to be a"public-private" partnership, the system has already banked $100million in funds, making it practically "shovel-ready."

Moreover, with the passage of Prop. 1A last fall, California High Speed Rail Authorityofficials say they are now in the best position of all similar stateauthorities to secure the biggest share of the $8 billion in federaltransportation stimulus funds the Obama Administration has set aside.

"Californiais farthest along in building one of the few true high-speed trainprojects in the nation, one delivering 220-mile-an-hour service betweenthe state's major cities," said Quentin Kopp, chairman of the railauthority's board of directors. "And we're the only state that alreadyhas invested $100 million in the critical work needed to get the systemup and running. We're far ahead of any other state in the nation."

Whilethe idea of bringing high speed rail to the Golden State has languishedon the back burner for many years now, the project has finally beenshoved to the front of the stove and has now some high BTU's under it. Asidefrom the great transportation, environmental and economic promise ofhigh speed rail, the system's construction phase alone will require thehiring of thousands of construction workers, architects, engineers andcraftspeople which will constitute a boon to our flagging economy. Rail authority officials project that the system will generate $1 billion in revenues to the state, annually.

Buteven if that ambitious goal falls short, each station by itself willlikely turn into a little economic engine -- stimulating all kinds oflocal real estate and commercial development. Californianswere wise to support Prop. 1A last fall. Now, we just need thefortitude (and patience) to see it through. The wait will be worth it.

Jeff Mitchell is a longtime California journalist and political observer.
