The California Independent Voter Christmas List

The California Independent Voter Project would like to wish all of its supporters, their families, and their loved ones a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season. For the a-religious: we hope you are in good spirits. During these hard economic times, it is more important as ever to reflect on the invaluable presents those we love give us everyday. Many of us bought or made gifts that best represent our appreciation for them within the means we have to express them; a way to emphasize our appreciation for their honesty and respectfulness. As an advocate for independent minded-voters, the following is a wish list for what we would appreciate from our representatives throughout our legislatures:

1) To promote a school system that teaches our children to be successful and respectful persons and that supports and encourages their passion

2) A health system that seeks for answers to the cause while treating the disease

3) An agribusiness industry incentivized by quality

4) An honest and ethical economic policy

5) For lawmakers to show humility

6) For policy that balances short term practicality and long term implication

7) Principled debates

8) Freedom to be happy

Let us know what you would appreciate from your representatives by leaving a comment below. Sign-up is not required.
