Governor Schwarzenegger Will Tax Veterinary Services

In order to generate revenue for our severe budget problem, the Governor is looking to tax some things you might not expect. From Market Watch:

In a recent announcement, Governor Schwarzenegger recommended broadening the Sales and Use Tax to include"luxury" items such as veterinary services, which is sure to cause an increase in animal shelter overpopulation. Animal welfare advocates across the state are joining forces and urging all pet owners to take action and contact the governor and state legislature to stop this tax.

"Our companion animals are family members and taking care of their healthis a responsibility, not a discretionary spending decision like golf orfurniture repair," said Judie Mancuso, president of Social Compassion inLegislation. "No other medical professions were included in the sales taxproposal, and with record numbers of families already making the unfortunatechoice to abandon their pets because they cannot afford them in today'seconomy, the last thing we need to do is increase medical costs."

Read the full article Here
